Friday, March 16, 2018

Heathy Recipes for Your Heart ($5.95) that helps support awareness of our sodium reduction message using #BreakUpWithSalt.

We are half way through Nutrition Month, and I hope you’ve had a chance to enjoy the Go Red For Women recipe booklet entitled Heathy Recipes for Your Heart ($5.95) that helps support awareness of our sodium reduction message using #BreakUpWithSalt.
You can buy the recipe booklet and others on Here is a shortened link:
I personally am now Vegan as many of you know and am enjoying this wonderful new dish that was presented the other day at The Hartford Go Red For Women Luncheon. It was amazing and so are many others I am enjoying from the booklet.
Mention I Theresa TC Eckstein, a national Spokeswoman of class of 2017-2018 “star” in the booklet, which includes GRFW stories.
Join us today with discussion on #BreakUpWithSalt and/or go to for more info or to
Please buy and try the recipes and stay on the great health track while eating yummy dishes.
Let’s see how creative we all can be, and share with each other our favorites for inspiration!

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