I am a Heart Disease survivor with a Pacemaker/Defibrillator diagnosed in 2005 with CHF, Valve Leakage/ Enlarged Heart/ Pulmonary Artery Dysfunction(Breathing Trouble) I was told I had an ejection fraction of 25% then when I turned 40. Working 2 full time jobs as a Nurse and aLead Band Vocalist/ingle mother of 2. It rerouted my entire life. Through my church at the time , Nikki Burnett WMASS Regional Director , talked with me and educated me and I became a Spokeswoman and Advocate and with God's Blessings I won Leading Lady 2010 WMASS/Central Boston Go Red and had a new lease on life with a purpose. Today my Ejection Fraction (ie.100 %of heart that is good) is a whopping 45% with med's change in diet to vegetarian/exercise within limitations and surgeries. My giving thanks is in being involved constantly with AHA in Your The Cure Petition signing/ Power To end stroke also and sharing info and continuously Advocating / Being A Spokeswoman venturing out to collaborate with others. I am also an Multi- Music Award Winning Jazz Vocalist via Akademia of Beverly Hills, Hollywood CA and Poze Records of Chicago and Black Women In Jazz of Atlanta GA. My stage name is TC Eckstein Vocalese and have a page for Go Red on Blogger, Google, etc.. My real name is Theresa TC Eckstein. The Granddaughter of Famed Great Late Billy Eckstein , Jazz Musician, My father died of CHF in 1985 @ age 55 and I have 2 lder siblings that have it as well and Pacemakers. I speak out for ALL Globally to help save and enrich lives. God Bless You and please join the fight against the #1 killer of women. Thank You Theresa TC Eckstein.