Our Sincere Thanks
Theresa TC Eckstein --
This Volunteer Appreciation week, we want to thank you, our advocates who volunteer with us every day to advance the issues that matter most to all of us – seeing people live and thrive with healthy hearts and healthier lives. Volunteers are the heartbeat of the American Heart Association.
Even in these uncertain times, we know we can count on you to stand up with us and use your voice to support important issues. We’ve all come to have interest in heart and brain health in different ways. Some of us might be in the medical field, some may be a survivor or loved one. Whatever the reason, we all see the need to think about our health and act on it in our own lives. We are a relentless force building a world of longer, healthier lives. Together we strive so we all have access to care and resources to be heart healthy. As a You’re the Cure advocate, you know this is our mission. We know you are with us and we thank you.
Thanks to your efforts, we have helped provide access to healthier foods in the community and schools, provided access to quality health care, and prevented many from starting or continuing tobacco use. You continue to help us address the health inequities that put so many at risk for serious illnesses and possibly an early death. Sometimes you may wonder if it is making a difference, and we are here to say, it does! Together we can and do achieve so much.
Please take a few moments to watch this special video thank you message. We offer our deepest gratitude to you for using your time and your voice to fight for longer, healthier lives.
With Heart,
Allyson and Rebecca Your MA Advocacy Team http://www.yourethecure.org/ |