Thursday, February 4, 2016

Are you ready to Wear Red?

American Heart Association - Go Red for Women
Are you ready to Wear Red?
Dear Theresa,
Tomorrow is National Wear Red Day®, are you ready to lead the battle against heart disease and stroke in women?
Break out your best RED outfit and show the world that you stand with Go Red For Women®.
Join women like Meliah Jefferson, who at the young age of 33 suffered a massive heart attack. "I was devastated; I thought I had been doing the right things," she says about her ordeal. But the one thing Meliah wasn't doing is getting regular Well-Women Visits with her doctor.
Meliah Jefferson

Meliah Jefferson
Today Meliah wears red to encourage women not to make the same mistake she did. She reminds everyone: "Knowing about your family history is great, but you have to do something about it" to prevent heart disease. That includes Well-Women Visits.
You can stand with women like Meliah by not only wearing red tomorrow but also giving to Go Red For Women®. Your financial support allows the American Heart Association to build awareness about cardiovascular disease in women so that we can save lives.
Since we first launched Go Red For Women® in 2004, nearly 285 fewer women die from heart disease and stroke each day. And death in women has decreased by more than 30 percent over the past 10 years.
While those statistics are great, unfortunately, 1 in 3 women still die of heart disease and stroke, even though 80% of cardiac events may be prevented with education and lifestyle changes. This means there's still much more work to be done.
When you Go Red For Women® you build awareness about this deadly disease, inspire women to make lifesaving changes, and help save lives.
Tomorrow is the day - let's make this the most successful National Wear Red Day® in our history.
Thank you for your support.
The Go Red For Women® Team
Go Red For Women
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