Friday, August 2, 2019

Stay up-to-date with Health eHeart!

July 2019 Newsletter
Dear Health eHeart participant,

Whether you are new to our study or you have been with us from the start, we want to sincerely thank you for joining and helping us fight heart disease. We truly would not be where we are today without the help of our wonderful participants. We’ve accomplished so much with your help, and we still have so much to discover. With your continued support and participation, we continue to better predict, prevent, and treat heart disease!
A Look at the Stats
Since the launch of Health eHeart in 2013...
  • A total of 223,014 (and growing by the minute!) participants have joined
  • 29,384,483,504 steps have been captured from connected activity monitors
  • 28 in-progress heart health studies made possible by your participation
Meet our Principal Investigators
Dr. Jeffrey E. Olgin, MD
Professor of Medicine & Chief of Cardiology, UCSF
Dr. Olgin is a practicing cardiologist and cardiovascular researcher. He runs several cardiovascular clinical trials, and his research interests includes atrial fibrillation, arrhythmias, and risk prediction and prevention of cardiovascular disease.

How he stays heart healthy: Rides his bike to work--even in the rain!
Dr. Mark J. Pletcher, MD, MPH
Professor of Epidemiology & Biostatistics and Medicine, UCSF
Dr. Pletcher is a practicing internal medicine physician and an epidemiologist. His research focuses on prevention of cardiovascular disease, and how exposure to cardiovascular risk factors like blood pressure and cholesterol during young adulthood may contribute to heart disease later in life.
How he stays heart healthy: Plays Ultimate Frisbee every Sunday!
Dr. Gregory M. Marcus, MD, MAS
Professor of Medicine & Associate Chief of Cardiology for Research, UCSF Health
Dr. Marcus is a practicing cardiologist and cardiovascular researcher. His research interests include investigating causes and optimal treatments for abnormal heart rhythms, prevention of stroke, and the influences of common exposures (such as alcohol) on cardiovascular health.
How he stays heart healthy: Takes the stairs to and from his office on the 11th floor!
Wondering how you can stay heart healthy like our principal investigators?
Click the button below to learn some heart healthy tips!
Heart Healthy Tips
Your Contributions Matter!
    New advances in medicine are ever increasing thanks to the technology driven world that we live in. With a few touches on a smartphone, applications make it easy and useful for everyday people to record and monitor their health data. Though these advancements are convenient, research is still being conducted to understand the validity (how factually sound) and normality of these taken measurements.
    Such research has recently been conducted using the data from Health eHeart participants! A total of 3,144,352 heart rate measurements from Health eHeart participants were analyzed to gain a better understanding of heart rate data taken by smart devices in the real-world. This information goes a long way in helping doctors interpret and help patients using remote, real-world data!
Check out the article here!
Health Spotlight: Staying Healthy in the Heat
With the summer months upon us, many of us will face sky-rocketing temperatures and sweltering heat. While the weather invites us to spend more time outdoors, necessary precautions should be taken to enjoy those long summer days while also keeping our bodies healthy. The American Heart Association offers these tips on staying active in warm weather:
  1. Avoid exercising outside between noon and 3 p.m. as that is usually the hottest time of day.
  2. Drink plenty of water before and after any physical activity.
  3. Protect yourself from the sun by wearing appropriate lightweight and light-colored clothes, sunglasses, hats, and sunscreen.
  4. Listen to your body when exercising outdoors and give yourself time to adjust to the heat.
  5. Be sure to check with your doctor or healthcare professional before starting any exercise routine.
  6. Work out with a partner for extra safety and fun.

Thank you for your support in the fight against heart disease!

Did you know?

It is our goal to have1,000,000 participants in the Health eHeart Study! Spread the word aboutHealth eHeart!


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Fast Facts

Laughing is good for your heart. It reduces stress and gives a boost to your immune system.
Health eHeart
Health eHeart
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